
10 Things to Know

10 Things to know

I figured if I can write down a few things as a background to myself or as an explaination of things about me, then maybe I'll give myself the opportunity to discover or remind me things about myself.

Me me me me meeeeeeee! (to be sung in the best warming up opera voice that can be mustered!)

1. I'm an incredibly shy person, but no one around me seems to notice. People always seem to describe me as the outgoing, approachable one. This always cracks me up because I don't see that to be true in any way. Maybe it is because these people always catch me in a comfortable environment...

2. I own my very own beehive.
That's right-it's in my back yard. My Uncle owns a "bee ranch" in Northern Nowhere Nevada. He gets paid to cart his 200+ hives down to the almond orchards in California to pollinate them in the spring. He then extracts the honey and sells that as well.

When we moved into our house in September, I asked if I could babysit a sick hive he had, to see if I could get some rather sad looking rose bushes to grow a little better. He gave me a hive (and told me to keep it, yay!) that had a main box and two supers. (supers, to make a long story short, are shorter boxes used by bees to store food for themselves, and to store excess honey in so it is separate from their main "living area" box.) I know that most avid bee tenders would want to correct me, but I'm trying to save a little time and get to my point, so back off, k?

Anyhoo, within a month and a half, all boxes were chock full of honey. So, we added another one, which lasted an entire week and a half. So, we added yet another one, determined that if my Queen bee was going to so avidly procreate, that we'd give her some room to hoar (heh! I've been reading you guys!) herself around. That one lasted yet another month.

My Dad & I ran out of boxes at that point, got another, and put it on. I hope my Queen becomes frigid soon. Not only have I gone from approximately 50,000 bees in my hive to about 65,000, I'm looking at about 100 pounds of honey already waiting to be extracted, and with this weird weather we've been having, the weather just hasn't been warm enough.

I've found that local honey works great for people who have allergies. It's kind of like a flu shot-bees collect all pollen, and that's usually what people are allergic to. It's worked for me anyway-I've always been an avid allergy sufferer, and haven't had to take any prescription medication in almost two years.

I'm currently on a crusade to "heal" all of my friends and fellow allergy sufferers. I'd like to go to a local farmer's market and sell a few bottles as well...

3. I used to sing in the San Francisco Girls Chorus as a youngster.

I was in 5 operas and could sing in 12 different languages. I almost know every Christmas carol in at least two languages as well.

What does that do for me in life? Not a hell of a lot. But if you ever come up with a lyrical classical trivia contest, I bet I'd give you a run for your money!

4. I seem to have a really good head for numbers.

I sell paperclips, pens, and other office supplies for a living. Everything has an item number attached to it. I also seem to have a running Rolodex in my head of phone numbers of all my close friends and family, and can probably tell them what their phone number was 10 years ago if it's changed since then. I remember my Grandparent's phone number, and they both were gone by 1988. I am still tempted to call that number every once in a while and see who picks up.

I wish sometimes that my brain would remember more useful things. I can tell you anything you need to remember if it's got a phone number, date, or any kind of numerical connection. I sometimes, however, can't even tell you what I ate for lunch.

5. My job is Customer Service.

I can't even answer the phone when I get home anymore. The funny thing too about the job and helping people I don't even know-I'm completely anti-social.

I like the helping others part, and the "distant" communication-it's easier for me because it's over the phone and I'm not face to face with anyone. I don't have to worry if I've got something in my teeth or a booger hanging out of my nose. I just never really saw myself ever doing something like customer service for a place that sells writing utensils and crap like that. I always thought I'd do something more noble, like change the world, become a marine biologist, or find a cure for some awful disease.

However, I never really believed in myself enough to do that.

Which brings me to...

6. I'm incredibly lazy, but only when it comes to doing something for myself.

Given an opportunity, I'd like nothing more every day than to curl up with a good book, enroll in some kind of class, or take a nap. I just seldom allow myself the pleasure.

I've always found myself completely booked up with projects, giving my parents and friends an extra hand, playing bocce ball (only in the summer!), weeding, visiting my family and inlaws, and about 100 other things that aren't coming into my head right now.

When it comes to doing the things for me, I either procrastinate, tell myself I don't have enough time for it, tell myself that I wouldn't have liked it anyway, or tell myself that I'm not worthy enough. I still have no idea why the hell that is. I mean, I'm the one that has to listen to me kick myself for not doing it, right? No one else gets the pleasure of beating myself up...maybe I just like the sound of my nagging, crabby, hurtful internal voice.

7. Six months ago I lived in a rented condo with a six foot strip of concrete as a back yard.

Now, I live in a 54 year old house with a 1/5 of an acre for a backyard. I'm not bragging at all. In fact, you could say that I took at major crash course in gardening. Well, weeding, and planting things only to watch them wilt away course anyway...

8. I love commas.

I can't help it-it's my weakness. I try to place commas everywhere I possibly can in my sentences. I've tried to substitute hyphens, but those darn little commas always seem to overcome and conquer. Any ideas on how to get rid of my comma dependence?

9. I desperately want children, and I have 2 cats instead.

I've been married for almost 2 years, but what I've been able to determine so far is that I'm the only one with this desire at the moment. So, I've got a 15 pound white fluffy cat that hates everyone except for me, and an itty bitty 4 pound silver cat that loves everyone more than me. I am acceptable to her if I'm the only one home.

10. I've discovered through writing this that there's more to know.

And that interests me. I just gave myself a positive thought, hooray!

I just gave you, however, a crappy ending...

clipchick at 7:00 p.m.

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All thoughts, ideas, and musings are � Clipchick. Please don't snipe my stuff!

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