

I've been on vacation since Tuesday and have been speding it working at my parent's house. They're having a family reunion of sorts on Sunday, so we must slave to make the house look beautiful. It's amazing how worked up my mother gets when it comes to parties.
I can't see how she can get so frantic about people coming over to the house, especially when we're all related and won't be judging how the yard looks. Oh well.

Got in a nice, nasty fight with the hypocrital hubby this morning. Yay! He set out to ruin my day, and, so far, seems to be suceeding. Pissed me off big time. Oh well, I just don't even want to re-live the whole damn fight, but we can suffice it to say that I'm considering finding out how to file for divorce. Bastard.

On to better things. Actually, anything's better than him. Hmmmmm, can we tell that Clipchick's a little miffed? Does it show?

Yesterday, I actually took some time off for myself. Got a pedicure. Everyone should treat themselves to a pedicure at least once a month. It's the one thing that I actually get for myself, the one thing I let myself spend money on that doesn't involve bills or the house. I also got my eyebrows ripped off. Wheeeeeee! I don't know why, but every single time I get that done, they keep wanting to wax my upper lip. Now, I've got a little fuzz on the top of my lip, but it just pisses me off that they always have to point it out. Oh yeah, sure, wax it off so it comes in nice and dark so I'll have to shave on a daily basis. I'm sure you don't have any body hair in inappropriate places, which is why you get such masochistic pleasure in pointing out mine.

Well, this is simply turned into something angry, and I'm not feeling any better at all, actually. Think I'll go and slave out in the back yard some more, and take my aggressions out on some poor weeds.

And pray that the next vacation I've got in a month actually involves doing something a little less strenuous.

clipchick at 12:39 p.m.

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All thoughts, ideas, and musings are � Clipchick. Please don't snipe my stuff!

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