
The Joy Of Being Me

I've been spending a couple of days in my personal diary, trying to get things sorted out. Sometimes it's just good to rant, sound like you've got a bad case of Turret's Syndrome and get it out of the ole system.

I'm a venter. I like to just get all my anger, disbelief, surprise, disappointment,hostility, etc. all out right at the time I'm feeling it. I'm not about letting it fester inside and getting worse.

This sometimes gets me in serious trouble, especially with my husband. he can remember everything I've ever said that may have had a slight hint of something hurtful down to the exact wording. It's hard for me to understand or deal with because I wasn't really brought up that way.

My parents are both huge venters, so it comes naturally to me to assume that everyone behaves this way. Don't get me wrong, I don't just fly off the handle at every second, and I do have the sense to know what I'm saying to someone, I just don't rudely blurt out insults (well...most of the time, depending on the beer intake) but I don't understand what's wrong with saying how you feel when you're feeling it if it's just you and the person that you're experiencing it with.

Since I work in customer service, I've gotten exceptionally good at witholding my blurtings until I hang up the phone. And boy, do I let that phone have it when I've hung up! At least the customer's don't know that I've blabbed out somethig "rather rude" like "You know what? I WILL make sure that you get the correct product delivered to you tomorrow, even if I have to install it up your ass myself!"

You know, that kind of polite, understanding, helpful thing.

I can say that when I am on the phone, working my normal hours, and getting paid for it that I am one of the very best Customer Service people in the industry.

It's my modesty that makes me so super fucking cool.

One of the few smartass things that I can say to some people and get away with it are responses to statements that some products aren't working, or our online services are acting up. A simple, quiet, casual "Are you sure it's not an operator error?" said at just the proper time sure makes me feel a lot better, and the customer's none the wiser.

Every once in a while, when dealing with a particularly difficult person, I'll agree with them and tell them that it looks like our computer system has created and "eye Dee ten tee" error. Spell that one out, folks. That's right-IDIOT!

That's it-I just HAVE to get a computer for home...this diaryland at work or wherever I can log on thing is really sucking for me. I'm just getting on a roll, and must leave.

Crap, how am I going to get any good at this if I don't practice?

clipchick at 5:08 p.m.

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All thoughts, ideas, and musings are � Clipchick. Please don't snipe my stuff!

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