
First Entry

I've been browsing this site for quite a while, and have been nervous to have my very own diary.

Then after a while, I thought...wtf? My ego can handle it, I think. I'm already shy and insecure enough in life, why not take a few chances by getting out there and having a good vent or two? At the very worst...people will hate me and not read this. At the very best, I'll finally have some pent up things off my chest.

As far as I'm concerned, it's win-win either way.

I'm going to get this out right now-I am probably one of the only people in this entire world that doesn't possess their own computer. Hubby and I just bought a house in the most expensive part of the world-the SF Bay Area in California-and besides having to promise TWO mortgage companies our first born child, we owe each of our respective parental units a bit of cash-ola as well. Needless to say, I just don't see a personal computer in our immediate future. I guess these entries will just have to be on the sly from computers that I can kidnap for a while.

I wish I had more time at this moment to write more, but I sell office supplies for a living, and boy oh boy, we've got a bunch of people looking for paperclips right now...

Hope there will be more time for ranting later! I sure need it!

clipchick at 4:57 p.m.

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All thoughts, ideas, and musings are � Clipchick. Please don't snipe my stuff!

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