December 21, 2005

Taking the time to say Thanks

This is a real quickie, but I'll update more on Friday, as I've got a bunch to say about a bunch of things. However, I'm going to stick to the most important thing for now.

I'll be driving up to Reno tomorrow with my parents at butt early thirty to celebrate the life of my recently departed Great Aunt, Polly. I just found out today that her real name is Gertrude (which I knew) Aloha (which I didn't). How cool of a name is that? Her maiden name was Wilson, and she was born in 1920. She had an older brother named Woodrow Wilson (yeah, that's right, you heard me) and an older sister, my Granny, Charlotte.

She passed away last week at around 1:30 in the morning right after having dinner with her immediate family. She was in perfect health and I don't even remember having a cold the entire time I knew her. She had a headache that evening, which worsened when they drove her home. On the way to the hospital, she had a massive brain annurysm and was gone shortly after.

I always remember her to be an incredibly wise and quietly collected lady. She was always full of these super cool Zen sayings. I'd tell her what was going on in my life and how hectic things were, and she'd respond with something like, "Well, it sounds like you're in for a hell of a ride. Make sure you've got your seatbelt on!"

I've been thinking about her a lot this past week, and I've really got to say that I hope that my life is as loved filled and beautiful as hers was. If I even experience half as much as she did, I'll count my blessings, I promise.

According to her obituary, "She is survived by her sister-in-law, four children, eleven grandchildren, four great-grandchildren, three nieces, one nephew (my Dad) and their children (that makes 7 of us), and their grandchildren, her many friends and dozens and dozens of children and their parents to whom she was always a safe haven and loving support".

Sounds like I need to stop being a bitch and get on the super nice bus in order to even get to a 1/4 of what I was hoping for, doesn't it?

I know this sounds a little strange, but I'm really looking forward to going up there and honoring a great lady. Since most of my family lives up in the Reno area, I'll have the opportunity to see all of them, too, which seldom happens anymore this time of year now that I'm older, married, and have Hubby's family as my own.

So, in retrospect to this whole thing, my Aunt Polly still, even at the time of her death, gave me two wonderful presents. The opportunity to see my loved ones, and the insight into what's truly important to me.

Thanks Aunt Polly-I love you, and will never stop.

clipchick at 5:43 p.m.

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