September 16, 2005

My Impending Birthday Weekend

Tomorrow's my birthday. I'm looking forward to a nice day of drinking, laughing, and quite possibly stumbling around.

Hubby & I are going to a Giants game. They're playing against the Dodgers, which should be really fun. It's at 1PM, so the weather will hopefully be nice and sunny . Barry Bonds has finally decided that he's able to play, so we'll get to see him too. Not bad!

Other than getting drunk, I don't have any other plans. Taking a nap sounds good. Maybe I'll talk Hubby into having lunch in the City or something, depending on how much junk food I consume at the game. I'll probably call my best friend Tee to come over and hang out when we get back into town.

All in all, lately I've found that I sometimes have a lot more fun when there's not a lot scheduled. The less time constraints and activities there are, the more I enjoy letting events unfold themselves and seeing where it takes me.

No matter what happens, it's bound to be a fabo day!

Bocce ended last week. That's a bummer, because even though I wasn't very good at it, it was a nice, Hubby condoned activity. I met a lot of new people, sold some honey, and got to get out once a week socially. Very enjoyable.

I've been toying around with the idea of taking a class at the Adult Ed around here, but I think I've been toying around too long, and have missed registration. There is a cool "Hiking in the Regional Parks" class where you enroll two weeks before each one. The scheduled places are Mt. Diablo, Briones, and Mt. Tamapious (I know I spelled that wrong-my apologies to the spelling police). It's a four hour hike that takes the time to look at the local flora and fauna, and it sounds like a pretty awesome thing to do. Each one costs $10. I can even afford that!

Cool thing happened at work. My boss has decided that we should all donate blood to the Red Cross during work hours and get paid for it too. I had already signed up to do so, since I've got a semi-popular type (O-), but (and I know this sounds crass) it seems even better to change the appointment, do the same thing, and get PAID for it too. I swear that I was supposed to go in on Monday evening after work. I'm now going in Wednesday afternoon. I hope that day & a half doesn't put anyone out too much...


I'm feeling better about my dance abilities after seeing This.
Even if he can't dance (or hold his liquor well), his girlfriend still likes him. Lucky guy.


Looks like I'm not getting the much anticipated Laptop for my birthday. Instead, I'm getting something much better. We live in a 55 year old house. The outlets have been re-wired from 2 hole prongs to 3, but they are all on the same circuit. My Uncle Bull (long story about the name-suffice it to say that when I was three, I couldn't say "Bill") is coming down and helping us take care of that problem, which is a Godsend. It will be nice to be able to use our "modern" appliances in the old house without having to worry about tripping the circuit breaker or burning the house down. Some genius decided before we bought the house to have the outlets to the washing machine, dryer, refrigerator, dishwasher, the garage (which has a big freezer), and the entire kitchen outlets all be wired to a single circuit. Needless to say, our fridge has been acting up and sporadically works. Of course, it has an attached freezer as well, which does not so much freeze as simply chill. Heck, our fridge is colder.

I cannot say how much this means to me. It has been one of our big House Worries lately, and it will be nice to be able to find something else to tweak out about.


Saw the new Survivor last night. Every season I watch it, I get really pissed off towards the end, and swear that I will. Never. Watch. It. Again. And I ,always freaking watch it. I'm kind of disappointed this season, because I haven't found anyone that I absolutely dislike yet. Disliking someone each season gives me a reason to rip on them while I'm watching it. If I don't have that, I feel, well...let down somehow. I don't often watch programs on network channels, (I'm a big fan of BBC, IFC, Sundance, and Public Television) as I don't feel that they really utilize my brain. I could justify to myself that coming up with snarkey comments about Reality Show contestants at least came close to using my brain, as creativity on said snarkey comments is a requirement. Now what do I do?

I have this sneaking suspicion that there will be PLENTY of people to be disliking soon.


Enough rambling. I'm going to see if I can cut out of here early, now that I'm just getting back from lunch. It's slow, and the daycare is kicking into full swing. I can feel a *cough* cold coming on already...Heh!

Enjoy your weekend!


clipchick at 1:49 p.m.

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All thoughts, ideas, and musings are � Clipchick. Please don't snipe my stuff!

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