July 11, 2005

oooooh, BURN!

I gave myself a sunburn this weekend. Not a slight, oh, darn, I'm a little pink sunburn, but an OH MY GOD! THIS IS WHAT HELL MUST FEEL LIKE! MY SKIN HAS SEARED FROM MY FLESH! sunburn.

I DID put the ole sunblock on. It must've lasted about, say, 15 minutes. Problem was that I was in the sun for about 3 hours. If they only made a SPF 10 to the 5th power, I might've been ok.

What was I doing out in the sun for that long? I was playing a make up game for our bocce ball league. Contrary to popular belief, bocce is also played by people under 60 that aren't necessarily Italian. It's a super fun game, too! It's sort of like outdoor billiards and horse shoes combined. Maybe I'll be good one day. At least I'm better than I was when I was attempting to make the link for my last entry


If this weather keeps up, I'll be able to get that honey out of my beehive. Ok, smartasses, if you don't know what I'm talking about, then please take a moment to review my first entry, number two.

Oh joy of joys! It seems as if I've been waiting quite a while for this to happen. If I'm lucky, I'll get out of it with a minimal of bee stings. Since it will be the very first time I've ever done this, I thought I'd go practice over at my Dad's house. He's got 5 hives, so I should be really good at it by the time I get to my house. The biggest joy of all is that I'll be doing this in a complete bee suit so the sun won't even have a chance to get me. ha!


Just for a laugh, I thought I'd attempt to upload some pictures. I figured that if I proved to everyone how challenged I am, it would embarrass me enough to actually learn how to do this kind of thing properly.

Here's a picture of my big ole cat named Buddy:

He's between 15-18 pounds of fun and, much like awittykitty's cat, guardcat, has a plastic bag licking fetish. Actually, he'll pretty much tongue anything (who wouldn't?) that moves. Moving, however, is not a prerequisite, it's just easier for him. If the lickable object in question is inanimate, the better it is. He'll settle for his sister in a pinch:

Syliva is just the most darling thing. She's grown a lot since this picture, but hey-it was the only one I had hanging around the place right now...

She likes everyone, and is a sweetie. Unlike her brother, who only loves me. He's a serious guard cat, and has been known to attack anyone who walks into the house without me in it. My husband doesn't like this personality trait very much, to say the least.

This is a picture of him on our honeymoon in Scotland (not that you can tell that we're in Scotland by the picture) enjoying his time away from Buddy. Miss Sylvia hadn't come into our happy home yet, or I'm sure he would look a tad sadder. Boy, he loves that cat!

Well, that's it for now. I would like to go home and sit in a nice cool tub for a while, reminding myself how stupid I was for going out in the sun for too long.


clipchick at 4:53 p.m.

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