July 08, 2005

Happy Birthday Mom!

A couple of months ago, I chopped off 15 inches of my hair and donated it to Locks of Love

Best thing I could've done.

My mom had ovarian cancer when I was a senior in high school. At the time, I had a super shaweet Billy Idol style hair 'do. I made a vow to myself that I would be sure to grow out my hair long enough in order to make a wig for someone else, since she felt the need to get one to wear for my graduation. As far as it goes, though, she had the most beautiful bald head I've ever seen. Way better then the Demi Moore 'do in GI Jane.

Lucky for me, she came out of all of it with flying colors even though the doctors at the time only gave her a 15% chance to live. Granted, she's missing a kidney, but she's still got the other one, and we're all grateful for that!

A couple of weeks ago, she celebrated her 60th birthday.

The major hair chop was a pretty dramatic change for most people except for me. I LOVE IT! Especially in this warm weather, it's been a nice change. As soon as I got used to using meager amounts of shampoo, it was very easy to adjust to.

Since then, 4 people I know have donated their hair as well. For that, I thank them profusely.

I've got a birthday coming up in a couple of months, but as far as I'm concerned, I've already received my present, and did 17 years ago.

I've still got my Mommy.

clipchick at 12:22 p.m.

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