July 07, 2005

That's IT!

I have friggin' had it!

Can anyone please tell me how in the hell I can get that awful looking "%%older_entries%%" bullshit to stop appearing on each one of my previous 5 entries while still being able to display them on the page?

I'm having difficulty following Andrew's directions.

Tell me you've never heard that one before.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm having great difficulty wanting to get the super gold membership for the comments section right now, seeing as I can't even make this work, but if anyone could please leave me a note, that would be super terrific.

Thanks bunches!

Oh yeah, and if you can recommend someone to help me out with a design, I am completely open to it!

clipchick at 6:11 p.m.

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All thoughts, ideas, and musings are � Clipchick. Please don't snipe my stuff!

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