February 14, 2006

There's Nothing Better Than Free Money

Happy VD, Everybody!

(Heh-I always wanted to say that...)

So, it's been an interesing couple of days. Hubby's at home today, with the day off, and I've got me a Valentine's Day surprise waiting at home.

How super cool is that?

Work's been good, steady, but not too hectic, and I've managed to find a nice balance between going balls out and counting ceiling tiles. So, that's nifty too.

This is my favorite time of year bee owning-wise, too. There's not a heck of a lot to do maintainance-wise, since it's "winter" (I say that lightly since we've had at least 75 degree weather for almost a week and a half)and they mostly keep close to the hive and try not to get rained on. I just let them do their thing, and pretty much ignore what's going on with them.

The only drawback to this is that one of my two hives bit the dust and I didn't notice. There were still bees circling the dead hive, but instead of being happy little bees maintaining their home, they turned out to be the hive next door taking the dead hive's extra honey and whatever they could use.

So, anyway, it's fairly non-eventval in bee world (as far as maintainance on my part goes) through the months of November through April.

Except for these few weeks during the month of February. During this time, my bees join my Daddy's bees and my Uncle's bees and take a little trip to some almond orchards. We all get paid for the bees to go and pollenate the blossoms for a good harvest, and we also get a bunch of extra honey in return.

So, due to a little deal I've got worked out with my Dad (who, by the way is an adorable sucker at times) I've got this arrangement where I get HIS money from his hives too. Don't ask me why. Maybe it's because I'm cute? Heck, I don't know either. We get $10 a hive which works out to...about $150 buck-a-roos for the Clipster. How sweet is that?

In addition to THAT coolness, I'm not expected to do anything in regards to transportation. I don't have to load my own bees, I don't have to go out to the orchards, I don't have to go to the orchards and lend a hand. In fact, all I basically do is hold out my hand for a check when my bees are returned to my yard. There will be a little bit of work when they get back, as we'll have to add additional boxes to each hive so the bees have more room to produce and store their brood and honey. That, however is, as they say, cake. And, if I plan it right, and am "working" during that time, that will be taken care of for me as well.

I just wish the rest of the year was so easy. I'll be sure to enjoy the hell out of it right now before it gets to be hot and we get to start the whole honey extraction process again.

Oh yeah-about 5 months ago, we were giving the bees their annual medication against mites. I've got pictures, but haven't been able to talk anyone into letting me download my pictures onto their computer. Go figure, eh? Maybe in the next 5 months I'll be able to download those, and show you some new pics....

In the meantime, I've been distracted by something The Reverend has done, and I believe that he got it from another cool chickita, Wilberteets.

Check it out, go visit, and let me know what you think, ok?


Have a great evening!


clipchick at 5:53 p.m.

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All thoughts, ideas, and musings are � Clipchick. Please don't snipe my stuff!

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