August 23, 2005

A Rhetorical Question

How many times must one submit a tech support request before receiving a reply?

I could do something like Bindyree and send some money via Paypal with a comment asking to get it fixed, but I don't feel like paying for something that I don't see as a problem on any other site.

Oh Yeah, by the way, I'm referring to my "%%older_entries%%" problemo. Just whiney today, I guess!


On another note, it's only 3 more working days until my vacation! Yippee! I'll be gone through Labor Day. Hubby and I plan to get a Giants game in, maybe see Beach Blanket Babylon, pitch a tent out in the backyard and go "camping", and sleeping in a lot. Oh yeah, and maybe take a road trip or two.

We were planning on going out of town and camping, but Mr. Hubby underwent Health Problem Number Two and has to get a crown replaced. I swear, I thought I was the accident prone one, but he's sure got me beat this month.

As you can see, I'm increasingly getting a little more HTML savvy by the day-I may actually have comments now, whoopie!

So, to see if they work, I'm open to any suggestions (except the obvious kinky ones-don't worry, I've got my own ideas there!) to any cheap, inexpensive, don't cost a lot of money, I think you're getting the point here, activities for us to enjoy during our swell vacation.

The first year anniversary's traditional gift is paper. Hubby & I had that covered-we went to Barnes & Noble and bought each other books.

The second year is cotton. WTF? What do we get each other? Jeans? Shirts? I was trying desperately to be creative and come up with something, but I appear to be at a loss with that, too.

The comment board is (hopefully) open. Barring that, please feel free to leave your suggestions and your snide comments regarding my ineptitude in my notes.

I am indebited to ya'll for your suggestions!


P.S. Although I still love exclaimation marks, I've been trying to cut down. Has anybody noticed? I'm going through withdrawls!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ah, all better now...

clipchick at 7:19 p.m.

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All thoughts, ideas, and musings are � Clipchick. Please don't snipe my stuff!

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