August 08, 2005

Hospital Scare

Ok...just for a quickie update-I need to get the venting jones out of my system.

Hubby went to the hospital on Monday for a swollen calf. I mean, really swollen. I mean, a good 10 centimeters around larger than his other calf swollen.

After 8 hours in Emergency, they still couldn't figure it out. We heard possiblities of a blood clot, possible blockage, infection, and hell, maybe even the big C. He had 2 ultrasounds and a cat scan, and it was starting to bug the doctors that they couldn't figure out what was wrong.

Around this time, his calf began to turn pink and get rather hot, and, although no one believed it possible, it began to swell some more. There was no definition from where the calf ended and the ankle began. Man, it was gross!

The doctors began intraveniously giving him antibiodics, started the process to admit him into the hospital, and called a leg specialist to see if the swelling was causing too much pressure on the muscles and if the calf needed to be drained in order to prevent the muscles from being damaged.

Boy, was I sure relaxed that day!

Long story short, the signs of infection were gone by the next day. They called in an infection specialist to confirm that he didn't have an infection, which the good doctor did.

After an MRI (which by the way, was inconclusive because there was too much DAMN FLUID in the way to give an accurate reading) they called in an arthritis specialist. This doctor is the bomb diggity! It was determined that Hubby had a Baker's Cyst that needed to be drained. He's going to be more than ok, and is resting from work until the 15th.

My parents live quite close to me and were on vacation to visit family in Southern Illinois. This was the first medical emergency that I'd had to deal with by myself, and reality really hit.

I'm in my mid 30's and am quite aware of just how lucky I am to have both of my parents so close to me, physically and emotionally. Hubby was on the same floor my Dad was on last year when he had his 8 way heart bypass. (No, that's not a typo-you did read that correctly!)

I'm still tired, I slept most of the weekend, I cried a lot when Hubby wasn't looking, and I took up smoking again.

All in all, however, it was a huge wake up call in realizing what the important things in life are. I think we all need the reminder every once in a while, whether we're aware we do or not.

Take good care of yourself and tell the people you care about how much you do. Even though Hubby & I lucked out big time this week, you just never know where the road of life is going to take you. Don't regret not taking the time to tell your loved ones how important they are to you.


clipchick at 6:05 p.m.

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